Throughout my longstanding career in social design, I have been engaged in a unique way with the subject of sustainability. The hows and whys of this engagement are detailed in my portfolio of practice, which you can browse using the links below:
This is an explanation of the portfolio, which has a different format than conventional architectural portfolios because it offers more detailed narrative descriptions and it has a strong focus on lessons learned.
This is a summary of selected projects, 13 in total, with links to each of the project pages that include detailed descriptions. This summary page should be useful for a quick review of my work, since it offers a snapshot of my professional trajectory.
In this page I elaborate upon the lessons learned from my years in social design practice. This page offers the rationale for why I practice social design the way I do, i.e., using an ethno-architectural focus. Towards that end, I also explain how I see the practice of social design in the context of current environmental concerns.